Hold on to Hope
poetry by Diane Arkenstone
Darling one
When there is no other way
And all has slipped from your life but the darkness
Hold on to hope
There you will find your light
Your strength, your soul
Hold it in your heart
For nothing can take it from you
If you are broken, you can mend
As something beautiful grows inside
And you will know you are not alone
And never unloved
You deserve love
You deserve hope
You deserve a healed heart
Come home to yourself, let everything heal
It was always meant to be
For you were always meant to be.

Diane Arkenstone
Though her name has mostly been built as a prominent ambient music artist, Diane Arkenstone is a multi-genre musician. She has created transcendent ambient songs, as well as trance, world, americana, Native American, and Celtic music.”
Hold On To Hope Poem Credits:
Diane Arkenstone – Composer, performer, writer, producer
Hayley Monson – Video and Animation
“A little bit of hope can carry us through a dark time. I wrote this song to help shine a light in my life, and to shine a light for others.This song speaks, what is felt in the heart.”
Q&A with Diane Arkenstone
Q: Have you always approached your music with the perspective of health, wellness and mindfulness? If not–when did you start? D.A.: Yes, I have, ever since I started writing music. Music and nature have each been powerful healing for me. I wrote music to soothe myself mentally and physically. The vibration and energy of music helps balance me in body, mind and spirit. Q: Do you get feedback from your listeners regarding the sense of well being or even healing that they get from hearing your music? D.A.: Yes, I have received countless beautiful emails from people around the globe, sharing their stories of healing and/or feeling much better, after listening to the music I release. Q: Do you ever connect with other high profile healing figures with your music–whether they be in the established medical field, spiritual healers, shamans, etc? D.A.: First and foremost, I connect with my own spirit, my higher self, which we each have, and is the direct line to the Source/the Divine. I have participated in Native American, shaman, and other healing ceremonies and teachings, and continue to study healing through stories of the journeys of others, but the most powerful lessons have been my own personal journey and revelations. |