Diane Arkenstone
Though her name has mostly been built as a prominent ambient music artist, Diane Arkenstone is a multi-genre musician. She has created transcendent ambient songs, as well as trance, world, americana, Native American, and Celtic music.”
Massage Music for Relaxation
What is the best type of massage music? It’s the kind that enhances the journey for you.

Using Massage Music To Relax
Let’s be honest. While you may look forward to a massage for days, or even weeks, getting relaxed is not as simple as stretching out on the table. In fact, it’s common to be a bit nervous at the beginning of a massage. You have built up stress in your body. While you know you’re supposed to feel great and relaxed right now, the expectation to be relaxed can be stressful in itself.
Even if that’s no longer a problem for you, your week’s to do list may be running through your mind. Did you remember to check the mail yesterday? Have you replied to that email from your best friend?
Keeping your mind in the present isn’t always an easy task.
Movies are an excellent example of the power of music to set a mood and hold our attention. Filmmakers are well aware of how easy it is for our minds to wander and how difficult it can be to set the right tone. Have you ever watched a movie without a soundtrack? Or seen clips online where people played a different song over the scene? If you take a serious scene from a film and play silly cartoon music over the top, the entire mood changes. The heartbreaking words of the characters become funny. A scene that previously made you laugh now makes you cry.
Without that music, it’s harder to pay attention. Without the music, it’s harder to let your mind become lost to the story.
The same is true of music for your massage.
The Right Type of Massage Music Is What Works Best For You
Generally speaking, it’s good to listen to songs that help you relax and stay in the present moment. Of course, this is different for everyone.
Diane Arkenstone’s songs have become well known as a go-to choice for many massage therapists. Do you enjoy celtic music? Try her album Avalon – A Celtic Legend. Ambient songs? Perhaps her song “Where the Rivers Join” is the right choice for you. Are you looking for something that evokes imagery of ocean waves? Try her Spotify favorite, “Voice of the Sea”.
While there is no one genre for massage music, there are the right songs for the right person. Those songs will be the ones that help you feel most at peace and hold your attention for the longest time, so you can make the most of your massage experience and help your body heal.