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Aquaria Ascension II

Now #1 on New Age Music Guide’s Best Releases of 2024!

Aquaria represents the feminine spirit, love and nurturing, which is more timely than ever. The new album, ‘Aquaria 11, Ascension’ is the rising, ascending and strengthening of this energy. Water is very symbolic of spirit and self, and our dreams of water represent our own spirit.


In this video, the dancer beautifully represents the strength and courage it takes to rise above hurt and suppression just by being our own, true authentic self. There is great power in living our truth and rising above negative energy that crosses our path.

The Essential Diane Arkenstone

“Diane Arkenstone is undoubtedly one of the finest New Age music artists of all times. Her soothing, mood-elevating compositions and performances have had a great impact on the genre’s evolution. She’s a genuine New Age music icon, and The Essential bears proof of that.” 

– BT Fasmer, New Age Music Guide

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“I love to share videos and sneak peeks of behind-the-scenes and the inspirations for my music.”

Avalon: Between Earth and Sky

We both love Celtic history, myths and magic, which is why we wrote the first Avalon album. And this new album is the continuation of the first one but from the feminine point of view, as the feminine energy gains power and recognition in the world, and keeps Avalon alive, on into the future.

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This is Diane Arkenstone

All the essential songs all in one playlist.

Diane Arkenstone album cover art Echoes of the Past

Angelic, soft, and calming music

Yearning, mysterious, angelic, soft music to soothe, heal, and calm.

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